This is one of my art tiles. They’re 4″ x 4″ white ceramic tiles (available at any home improvement store). I mix some color (acrylic paint, ink, mica powder) with some artist paste or gel medium and smear it on the tile. Since I’ve got the edges masked off, usually the design is a square. This one, however, got a little out of hand as I pulled the masking tape off. At first, I thought I’d messed it up, but this particular tile has become my absolute favorite. The purple could have something to do with it, too.
After smearing the paste or gel, I sprinkle on some doodads (micro beads, glitter chunks) and a charm or two. After it’s all dry, I edge the tile with a gold or copper leaf pen.
Then I sell them at craft fairs.

Ceramic Art Tile No. 134 © Kelly Naylor 2006