Saturday, I dropped off some of my ceramic tiles at Lush Beads in Lowell, MA. They’ll be for sale there, so stop by… say hi to Liz, the owner, and check out her beads and jewelry while you’re there.
I talked about how I make them back in March. They seem to sell best at art shows and craft shows.
But what can you do with them? First, since they’re the same ceramic tiles that you’d put on your wall or floor, you can attach them to your wall (I really wouldn’t recommend the floor!) with tile adhesive.
If you’re not feeling that kind of permanency with your home (or you rent from someone who isn’t keen on you permanently attaching things to their walls), you can use a plate hanger to hang it an any small space. They look nice in bathrooms, I think, and hold up well to the humidity. Don’t put them in the direct line of water. The plate hangers are fairly common… I generally find them at craft stores such as AC Moore or Micheal’s, but I’ve also seem them at drug stores like Rite Aid and CVS. Get the smallest one you can find.
Lastly, you can display the tiles on a small easel or plate stand. I have one displayed that way in my office; so does my husband. Or maybe he has two. The easel/plate stand doesn’t have to be fancy. All the craft stores have plastic ones and small metal ones. Personally, I like the clear plastic ones I get at AC Moore.
These tiles make great gifts, so if you’re in Massachusetts, check out Lush Beads in Lowell… or order a few from my Etsy store.

Ceramic Art Tile 140 © Kelly Naylor 2007