Doodle Week Day 6 May 13, 2008 Kelly Drawing Abstract… yes, I think I can do abstract. This one is also inspired by Battlestar Galactica. Doodle 11 © Kelly Naylor 2008 Share this:ShareFacebookTwitter
I don’t see BSG in this but I can see Heroes.
Like all of your doodles. There was so much detail on your abstract, but the Suess tree was my fav.
Be blessed.
jennifer’s last blog post..DOODLE-DOO!!! or Abstract Doodle
@Mark… hmmmm. Maybe I didn’t watch enough Heroes. I only saw the first season. Anyway, I think I was thinking (who can really remember?) of the Chief when I did that one.
@jennifer… yeah, the Seuss one is my second-favorite. Rainbows are, of course, always #1. 🙂
You have mad colouring skills 🙂
I thought you would like abstract 🙂
Claire’s last blog post..Doodle Mad!
I love this one! This is very much in the style that I doodle. I can see BSG in this, but I’m a bigger Stargate fan (hint, hint). 🙂 hehe! Seriously, I loooooove your stuff. I visit just about every day.
Rachel S’s last blog post..Late night babbling
If you go to Google Images and do a search for “Heroes Symbol” then you’ll see what I saw when I first looked at the image; it has that same sort of sine curve with parallel lines coming off it. At least to my eyes.
You are a master doodle-er!
Everything you do is beautiful:)
angel’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
@Claire… thanks! I do so love to color!
@Rachel… OMG, Stargate! I totally love that show too! Oh, I could get some random stuff going with that show, too. Jack O’Neill… he is SO cool!
@Mark… yes, I see what you mean. That’s a cool symbol and I may have to play with that one, too.
@angel… thanks! Because of Doodle Week, I’ve gone and created even more doodle-inspired art!