This one makes me giggle. The first thing I thought when it finished rendering was, “Ooh! A hamster ball!” And then I remembered the previews I’ve seen for the upcoming movie Bolt (Thanksgiving, I think), and the wacky hamster star. “I have a ball!” (Very often, I’m easily amused… especially by wacky animated animal characters. Over the Hedge? Brilliant!)
On the other hand, it could be some kind of anti-gravity gyroscopic exercise wheel for humans, too. Or something naughty, though I can’t see it.
And I have to mention that people keep giving me awards! You’re so darn sweet… thank you! Maitri at Dragonfly Cottage passed the Brillante Blog Award to me, and Ettarose (who cracks me up as she exists on the Edge of Sanity) gave me the Arte y Pico Award. Now, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned my ennui (is that a cool word, or what?) when it comes to rules, so… well, I’m not actually going to do the whole meme thing in passing them along. But for all of you who comment regularly… yeah, you know who you are. You all get them both. If you want them.?

Mandala C12 © Kelly Naylor 2008
Well, I see something naughty, and no, I’m not saying what! Seriously, it is beautiful, and what I really see is some kind of outer spacey thing.
Oh, and thanks for the awards!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post… I Am Wordless (on Wednesday) so you don’t have to be
I am really loving this series.
I see a hamster wheel in this one… as well as some other stuff. LOL.
Monique’s last blog post… I’m Just Going To Delete My Blog and Not Tell Anyone
I think I need to up my meds … Or start taking them again, or begin taking them. I don’t see no stinking hamster ball.
It looks kinda smoky to me, only way more colorful than smoke, so I’m not sure what it is.
Beamer’s last blog post… Palm in the shadows
@JD… oh, you’re welcome! Outer spacey things are good. Some of my favorite things, in fact. It’s because I’m an alien, you know.
@Monique… other stuff, eh? Dare I even ask?
@Beamer… did you not have a pet hamster as a child? With a hamster ball? You’ll need to either do something about your meds… or see Bolt when it comes out. And it really doesn’t matter what it is, does it? If it looks cool… it’s all good.