Depending on which version of which story you read, Circe is either a Greek goddess, a nymph or a sorceress. Seeing as she’s the daughter of Helios, the sun god, I’ll go with goddess. She’s the one who liked to change men into animals (and we won’t go into the sociological and psychological implications of that)… there’s that whole bit in Homer’s Odyssey about her turning Odysseus’ men into pigs. Gives new meaning to the phrase “men are pigs,” don’t you think?
Anyway, she’s here in the purple mists, waiting for the next boatload of unsuspecting sailors to wander by.

Circe in the Mist © Kelly Naylor 2008
I really like this piece. I love the blues, and there is a lot of interesting detail. I enjoy the classical reference too. It doesn’t take a very powerful sorceress to turn turn us men into pigs :).
Francis Scudellari’s last blog post… We’ll return to our regular programming after this brief political message …
LOL I’m not sure a sorceress needs to be involved in most cases!
I read more than most people. These things affect my mind when I’m painting. We should all be grateful I don’t paint after reading Stephan King novels.