My favorite frog once posed this question: “Why are there so many songs about rainbows…?” If you glance through my paintings, a paraphrased thought may pass through your mind: “Why does Kelly paint so many rainbows?” Again, Kermit has the answer: “Rainbows have nothing to hide.”
If you haven’t figured it out, I love rainbows. I love painting things using all the colors of the rainbow. (Which, of course, brings to mind a Harry Chapin song, “There are so many colors in the rainbow, so many colors in the morning sun, so many colors in a flower, and I see every one.”) And yes, a lot of my paintings’ titles come from songs. For me, these two art forms are seriously mixed up and I doubt I’ll ever be able to disconnect them (not that I’d care to try).
I love color… the brighter, the better! Put them all together… well, how can you not have happiness? Rainbows are a symbol of hope and forgiveness (Noah in the Bible); they’re a symbol of cooperation (Jessie Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition); they’re a symbol of pride (GLBT community). They’re all that… and in addition, for me, they’re a symbol of beauty and joy.
Have a rainbow-filled day, everyone!

Small Abstract No. 76 © Kelly Naylor 2007
Rainbow connection, one of my favorite songs – especially the one by Kermit the frog. Reminds me of the quotation by Dolly Parton, “If you want to see the rainbow, you got to put up with a little rain.”
Found you through Entrecard… what beautiful work! That rainbow made my day!
I think you just defined some niche marketing opportunities for the Kelly Naylor Rainbow Collection. 😛
I, personally, love rainbows because they’re optimistic. They’re reaching toward something new and sometimes mysterious.
@BT & Betz… Hi, and thanks for dropping by! Rainbows really rock, don’t they?
@Haley… oooh, now you have me thinking. Niche marketing. Gosh, it’s too bad my brain seizes up at the mention of “marketing.” LOL My brain does the same thing with “accounting.” I love numbers, but don’t put dollar signs in front of them because then they get all confusing. The Rainbow Collection. I like that. Hmmmmm.
You summed it up really. Very ‘happy’ paintings to brighten any day :O)
Love this rainbow painting! Right now it is snowing outside my window, I needed to see this rainbow! lol
@Ash… glad to be able to help you out! The weather guessers here say we’re going to have “nice” weather for a while, but I won’t feel confident of that until June. LOL