Buddhist Art

Sorry, nothing to see here. Well, not yet anyway. But wait! Don’t move along quite yet!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m taking a class on Buddhist Traditions. One of the requirements of the class (in addition to reading until my eyes burn, and taking some tests) is a project paper. I believe, back in the day, they used to be called research papers. I’ve decided to do my paper on Buddhist art. There’s a lot of it, apparently, and since I don’t plan to write a book, I’m going to focus on mandalas. Why? Because I’ve always found them fascinating. They’re so interesting to look at. And watching the monks create those huge sand mandalas is quite the meditative experience. (Not when you watch a video and fast forward it… then it’s freakin’ amazing.)

Bonus for my dear readers… when the class is complete, I’ll add it here as a page. If you’re interested, you’ll be able to read it.

Bonus for me… I’m going to be watching to see how my study of mandalas affects my own art. Oh, and you’ll get to see that, too.