I thought I’d try my hand at drawing something semi-realistic. And wow! This actually kind of looks like a cat!
Cats are my pet of choice. Generally speaking, they’re not needy and all in-your-face like dogs are (except at wee hours of the morning when they want to play and I want to sleep… then they are literally in my face). Right now I’m living with two cats, Bagherra (who is all black, as she should be) and Tiger (who is sweet as can possibly be and dumb as a box of rocks… he’s actually my daughter’s cat).
This doodled cat looks nothing like any cat I’ve ever lived with. And as far as doodles go, it’s awfully darn normal. Sigh.

Kitty (c) Kelly Naylor 2008
Cats are not my pet of choice.
There was many a rude thing I could of said using the wording in this post, but I will be good 🙂
I like this doodle 🙂
Claire’s last blog post… Doodle Pet
LOL Claire is funny. That’s all I’m going to say on the matter.
I for one like your doodle cat. Especially the circle you used for it’s head! Tee hee
Um… this OT but I wanted to apologise for leaving you off the list of sponsors. I don’t know how it happened except that I OBVIOUSLY didn’t proof read my post as well as I thought I had 🙁 I’m sorry!! Please don’t be hurt!
Yeah for kittehs!! Doodle cat is cute! I’d adopt it. 🙂
chatblanc’s last blog post… Vexing Hexing
I like the cat, especially the pattern of its coat. I went realistic with my latest doodle too, and adding to the pressure I even drew a portrait of my real-life pet (with some artistic license). Abstract drawings are much more fun :).
Francis Scudellari’s last blog post… Doodle Week: Pet Project 2
LOVE! Oh, I love it. The colors are awesome and the expression is priceless. Good job! I want one!
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post… I Wordle so you don’t have to
Cute little calico.
@Claire… it’s good that you’re good, but I know that you’re naughty. hee hee hee
@fragileheart… proofreading is a virtue. LOL
@Francis… I LOVE your Lucy!!
@JD… do you want this one? Or the rainbow striped one with a polka dot planet head?
I love the doodle kitty…good for you..I think that the markings are very earthy..great colors..I have a black cat as well..the nicest guy in the world, and then there’s the gray girl whirl…totally different…was it when she jumped from the 2nd floor banister as a kitten that made her that way…hmmmm…we’ll never know…but the camera sure does love her!!!
amy lilley’s last blog post… The Launch Position
Great cat doodle…the patch work colors are fun…
Heather’s last blog post… Wonderful Wedding!
I don’t think you would really want me to be bad in these comments though 🙂
Claire’s last blog post… A brief interlude
@Amy… I often wonder why Boy-Cat is the way he is. Did he get dropped on his head at a very young age? He’s such a delightfully ditzy thing, though. LOL
@Claire… and you’d be correct, of course. No need to say anything. I’m sure I can come close to guessing what you’re thinking anyway. heh heh heh