I have been jonesing for a trip to Chicago for months. So that’s what I had to doodle.
Yeah, yeah… I don’t see any Sears Tower or John Hancock Building either. But what if those are doodles of some nice apartment buildings in my old neighborhood in Rogers Park, huh? Yep, that’s what they are.
And although cheese is a Very Bad Thing for me to eat, I might have to live with the suffering and get some of Giordano’s stuffed pizza. It is the best pizza on the planet.
And check it out! No circles!

Vacation (c) Kelly Naylor 2008
with or without circles your doodles are always great!
shearyadi’s last blog post… Doodle garden, Happy Beeflower
This is great…works for me…lines, circles, what ever love it all!!
Heather’s last blog post… Wonderful Wedding!
Yep — I can DEFINITELY see apartment buildings in this doodle. Hope you get your trip for that decadent pizza! Nothing like Chicago pizza for sure…
Margaret’s last blog post… Male Blue Grosbeak
It looks totally Chicago to me. Did you know that Chicago has been promoting itself as a “city of neighborhoods” in the past few years? Fits perfectly with that theme.
I know pizza and margaritas don’t necessarily go together, but when you actually do make it to Chicago sometime, we’ll have to meet for both. 🙂
Happy doodling~
haleyhughes’s last blog post… Wordless Wednesday: Balderdash
Oh, very nice! 🙂
Lisa365/starbursidereus’s last blog post… Doodle Day #2 (late!)
wow, straight lines. Quite tasty, Oh wait maybe that’s for the pizza reference.
Beamer’s last blog post… Jammers in Profile
Nice cityscape!
AHA! I was trying to look for Circles.. and I found one… in ‘Chicago’ I’m sure there is more… but I stopped as soon as I saw it. LOL Nice doodle Kelly!
fragileheart’s last blog post… Is there anything Entrecard can’t do for my blog?
Oh I love Chicago too… so make sure you eat a slice of pizza for me as well.
The doodle reminds me of Chicago (or NY) so much! Are you going to add this to your Etsy shop?
@Haley… pizza and margaritas go together just fine! Especially when consumed during a Buffy Fest. Enough alcohol must be consumed so that by the time we get to Buffy The Musical (I have the CD, btw) everyone is singing along.
@Beamer… yes! Straight lines! Who knew I had it in me? LOL
@fragileheart… there are 8 Os. If you want to count the As, too (because they are fairly circular), there are 8 of them, too.
@Monique… I hadn’t actually thought about putting it in the Etsy shop. But now that you mention it… I could. Or I could put it in one of my little auctions here. Or I could be really selfish and keep it to myself (except that I’m running out of walls where I can hang art).
Love your doodle whether it is Chicago or some nice apartment buildings in your old neighborhood in Rogers Park! 🙂
BK’s last blog post… Everything Happened for a Reason
@BK… Rogers Park is a neighborhood in Chicago. Possibly my favorite neighborhood in Chicago.
No no, don’t be selfish!
Monique’s last blog post… I’ve Been Keeping Something From You
Since my mentor in all things British-American is away on his own vacation, I have to ask, what is “jonesing”?
A.’s last blog post… HIV/AIDS – susceptibility in Africa
@A… from the Urban Dictionary, jonesing means “to have a strong need, desire, or craving for something.” Like a crack addict’s desire for his drug of choice… only more so.
Don’t forget pizza is a circle!
Tina Kubala’s last blog post… Doodle Vacation
@Tina… yes! Most of the time anyway. There are a lot of places out here in New York that make rectangular pizza. Heresy! These New York people… they’re so weird.