Man, oh man, it was cold on Saturday. At least I remembered my gloves this year. And, as usual for a Niska-Day celebration, it rained. Hey, what’s a celebration of Niska-Unity without rain, eh? I’m not sure those of us who live (or have lived, in my case) in Niskayuna would know how to handle a sunny, warm Niska-Day.
Despite the unpleasant weather, a large crowd gathered. Food was eaten, music was enjoyed, rides were ridden. Best of all, lots of people came through the crafters‘ tent. A number of people remembered my art tiles from last year. To you folks… thank you! And thanks for stopping by to say hi. Many other people admired my art as they walked by. Thanks you all of you, too. I love it when other people like what I do.
My biggest thanks go to the fabulous people who purchased my art. Not only do you help keep body and soul together for this artist, you give me great joy. My wish is that all the happiness I have from creating art now resides in your homes and hearts.
This particular piece, The Red Planet, was the most commented on piece in my collection that day. It was also purchased by a couple of the above-mentioned fabulous people, who also purchased the piece Zephyr (check my EBSQ gallery for a photo of that one). Several art tiles were also purchased… eventually, those will be in the EBSQ gallery, as well.

The Red Planet © Kelly Naylor 2007
Absolutely gorgeous. red always works for a strong composition. super
Thank you! I do so love these encaustics.