This is another of my encaustics.
When I finished smearing with the iron, I thought the little shape towards the bottom looked like a house. On a prairie. On a Kansas prairie, to be precise. Do you see where this is heading?
Yeah, those horrible looking winds are about to lift that little house off the prairie and send it flying to Oz, where it will land on Elphaba’s sister, and musicals will be made to tell the tale. We’re off to see the Wizard! (Oh, did you think I was going to talk about the Ingalls? No, not until they make a musical of that story.)

Little House on the Prairie © Kelly Naylor 2008
I never got into the Ingalls myself. Now, Oz is right up my alley. I still haven’t seen/read Wicked. Need to fix soon.
Omigod. I absolutely love this! It’s my favourite colour too!
@Tina… Oh, you absolutely need to see Wicked! I loved it!
@Reggy… Ok, so it’s obvious you need to move down here into the green community Mr. Aerten and I will be helping to start. You can come see my art every day. I’ll have it hanging in my house and in the community building. Get your awesome Irish guy over here and come be my neighbor.
Oh, I love this. Love the color, and yes! I see the little house, like it’s on the edge of a globe and the winds are bearing down on it. So cool! I’ve never seen Wicked, but I read the book.
JD at I Do Things’s last blog post… I Welcome the Living Dead so you don’t have to
Oh!! Go see Wicked!! It’s playing at the Oriental Theater (Ford Center for the Performing Arts). Go! Go, go, go!
Ahem. Ok. Ah, by the way, I might be in Chicago in November. It could happen.